27 April, 2010


A comparative study of the group model and some photographs
of the villa. By comparing the photos and model from
the same view, I've tried to see whether the model recreates
the same spaces and situations as the real building. You be the

Source of photos 1, 6: No. 2, Sbriglio. (see below)
Source of photos 2, 3, 4, 5: No. 1, curtis. (see below)


The final group model, with perspective, sectional and floor
plan views.




Some of the architect's drawings and colour studies.
The pen drawings and text explanations in particular
informed my analysis of the building and helped frame
my approach the to parti; the demarcation between
exterior and interior space.
Pen drawings source: No. 1, Curtis. (see below)
Colour studies source: No. 2, Sbriglio. (see below)



The above image comparison and text are, to me, an
interestingly simple way of exploring and expressing the
essence of the Villa Savoye. In Le Corbusier's own words,
"the house: a machine for living." The Villa Savoye was an
idealised home; not a formal or aesthetic revolution, but
an architecture completely servant to its human inhabitants
and their needs. Thus, similar to a farmer's vernacular dwelling
in both construction and intention.
Source: No. 3, Vogt. (See below)

26 April, 2010


Image source: No. 3, Vogt. (see below)
Sources used for this project:
1. Curtis, William J. R. Le Corbusier. English Architecture
1930's. Milton Keynes, England: The Open University
Press, 1975.
2. Sbriglio, Jacques. Le Corbusier: The Villa Savoye.
Basel: Birkhauser, 2007.
3. Vogt, Adolf Max. Le Corbusier, the Noble Savage:
Toward an Archaeology of Modernism. Cambirdge,
Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1998.


arch1201 architecturaldesignstudiothree 2010